Mission Ravenna

As a architectural historian you need to research how cultures change and develop from the past. In the city of Ravenna, Italy many models for architecture were developed in this little community. Christian architecture in the western hemisphere is based on the churches in this little city. The western hemisphere is North and South America.

As you watch the short video clip on Ravenna write down two buildings that you find interesting. You will see octagonal buildings, Greek cross shaped buildings, and the basilica forms. The basilica was a Roman form that was adopted as the Christian church. It is a long rectangular shaped structure.

Your Mission-
Find some examples of buildings that represent the two buildings you selected in the Ravenna video. Look at the Ravenna building shapes and see if they look like any buildings in your community. If you have an opportunity take a picture or sketch your local building.

List the buildings, shape, and include a picture if possible.

Follow the wiki site and review the main sites. Each of these buildings are important to design of many religious structures for the last 1500 years.

The Aspiring Architect

Start using your workbook Aspiring Architect.

Work your way through looking at the styles and where they originated. Then as you travel around your community take pictures of buildings that represent some of the styles. Work on this throughout the school year. It teaches you to recognize all the various forms of architecture. It is amazing how many styles in our own communities are derived from Roman and Greek architecture.  

Combine the pictures and make a collage. You can do this as a digital file if it is easier. Such as Microsoft Word, PDF, or other photo programs. Try grouping the images according to their style. This could be building style, color, columns, or roof type.

This structure is a perfect example of the castle and Romanesque form of architecture. However, most people refer to it as middle ages design or Medieval. Latin for the term "middle age".